疟疾疫苗的长期攻坚之旅 The Long Search for a Malaria Vaccine [cn.91voa.com].mp4
疫苗每年救诊300万儿童患者 WHO Says Vaccines Save Up to 3 Million Children a Year [cn.91voa.com].mp4
瘫痪者有望重新自行行走 Study of Paralyzed Man May Offer Hope for New Treatment [cn.91voa.com].mp4
Tiffany Alvord singing Possibility ; 07.12.10 (LIVE @Atlanta.mp4
0711 SBS Power FM CulTwo Show28P.rar
盐与健康的争论 The Argument Over Salt and Health [cn.91voa.com].mp4
Adobe Flash Player for mac 11.8.800.50.zip
研究发现冰岛、塞浦路斯成年人早逝风险最低 Study Finds Risk of Early Death Lowest for Adults in Iceland [cn.91voa.com].mp4