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教育报告 395 [].mp4

奥巴马签署260亿美元援助教育法案 Obama Signs Spending Bill to Protect Teachers' Jobs [].mp4

爱国主义者在香港抗议 Chinese Patriotism Classes Fuel Protest in Hong Kong [].mp4

法学院两年 Law School in Two Years [].mp4

夏天alex - 不再联系 (DJYoYo Mix)男BreakBeat.mp3

学生们在网络游戏中削减预算 Students Try to Cut Federal Budget in Online Game [].mp4

早上上课太早让孩子们昏昏欲睡 Early Classes = Sleepy Teens (Duh!) [].mp4

旧金山教育工作中帮助年轻人自由生活 San Francisco Educator Works to Keep Young People 'Alive and Fre [].mp4

手写时代的结束 Write or Wrong_ The Death of Handwriting [].mp4

教育报告 396 [].mp4

康涅狄格州发生校园枪击案 Tragedy at One School_ Renewal at Another [].mp4

校园护士的缺少 The Life of a School Nurse_ Busy [].mp4

李与她的教育改革将何去何从? What Next for Michelle Rhee and Her School Reform Campaign [].mp4

周渝民 - 倔强的蚂蚁.mp3



留美学生人数继续上升 Number of Foreign Students in US Continues to Rise [].mp4

留学美国的中国学生人数继续上升 Number of Chinese at US Universities Continues to Rise [].mp4

打击校园性暴力 Dealing With Sexual Violence on Campus [].mp4

教育报告 391 [].mp4