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Compositional investigation of potassium doped Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells with efficiencies up to 20.8%.pdf



[140228_H-GAME] 110 ~産婦人科 死刑囚 病院ジャック~.torrent

Development of docetaxel-loaded vitamin E TPGS micelles- formulation optimization, effects on brain cancer cells and biodistribution in rats.pdf


【720p】爱·天地无用 - 08【无字幕】.mp4

Glide - Open Up And Croon.rar

Highly stable organic polymer field-effect transistor sensor for selective detection in the marine environment.pdf

【480p】棺姬嘉依卡 第二季 - 02【无字幕】.mp4


Layer-by-layer formation of oligoelectrolyte multilayers_ a combined experimental and computational study.pdf

Der Zugang zum Antitumor-Antibiotikum CC-1065 mittels Hetero-Cope-Umlagerung von Vinyl-N-phenylhydroxamaten.pdf

Temporal changes in steroids, prolactin and growth hormone in pregnant and pseudopregnant gilts during mammogenesis and lactogenesis.pdf



Synchronous Dynamics and Bifurcation Analysis in Two Delay Coupled Oscillators with Recurrent Inhibitory Loops.pdf

Inhibitory effect of Angelica sinensis extract in the presence of 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin.pdf


The value of VMI beyond information sharing under time-varying stochastic demand.pdf