手写时代的结束 Write or Wrong_ The Death of Handwriting [cn.91voa.com].mp4
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留美学生人数继续上升 Number of Foreign Students in US Continues to Rise [cn.91voa.com].mp4
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打击校园性暴力 Dealing With Sexual Violence on Campus [cn.91voa.com].mp4
更大努力获得和保持在校女生人数 Greater Efforts Are Urged to Get and Keep Girls in School [cn.91voa.com].mp4
由教师和其他教育专家制定的全国教学标准 Considering National Education Standards [cn.91voa.com].mp4
留美学生人数创新高 Number of Foreign Students in US Hits New High [cn.91voa.com].mp4
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研究女孩在体育课程中的获益 Studies Link Girls' Sports to Gains in Life [cn.91voa.com].mp4
理财网站帮助年轻人存钱 Websites Show Young People How to Save [cn.91voa.com].mp4