热门 推荐

因怀孕相关原因而死亡的女性人数正在减少 Study Finds Drop in Deaths of Mothers in Developing World [cn.91voa.com].mp4

国际组织寻求40亿美元儿童疫苗资金 Groups Seek $4 Billion for Child Vaccines [cn.91voa.com].mp4


在俄罗斯]减少吸烟 Reducing Smoking in Russia [cn.91voa.com].mp4

在出生后的第一个小时母乳喂养 Breastfeeding in the First Hour After Birth [cn.91voa.com].mp4

Bgm - 反叛的鲁路修.mp3


在印度肥胖成健康杀手 Obesity Becomes a Big Killer in India [cn.91voa.com].mp4

在最贫穷国提供更低价格的HPV疫苗 Lower Prices for HPV Vaccine in Poorest Countries [cn.91voa.com].mp4


在结冰天气中保持安全 1 Staying Safe in Freezing Weather (Part 1) [cn.91voa.com].mp4

在结冰天气中保持安全 2 Staying Safe in Freezing Weather (Part 2) [cn.91voa.com].mp4

在非洲一种针对睡眠病症的新疗法 For Africa_ a Possible New Way to Treat Sleeping Sickness [cn.91voa.com].mp4

大规模集会时的健康风险 Health Risks in a Crowd_ Not What You May Think [cn.91voa.com].mp4


35 あの日の夢.mp3

奥巴马总统已经签署医保体系改革 Obama Signs Historic Health Care Bill [cn.91voa.com].mp4

女性月经周期期间不同时间点声音对男性吸引力不同 Dating Sites' Claims; Female Voices and Fertility [cn.91voa.com].mp4

女性癌症突变基因的预防性手术新发现 New Findings on Surgery for Women With Cancer Genes [cn.91voa.com].mp4

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