热门 推荐

一种将图像转换为盲人可利用的其他知觉的装置 Turning Images Into Sensations to Assist the Blind [cn.91voa.com].mp4

一项大脑研究结果引发对手机辐射新的关注 After Brain Study_ New Questions About Mobile Phones [cn.91voa.com].mp4


不公平待遇推动残疾人权利运动的发展 Unequal Treatment Drives Disability Rights Movement [cn.91voa.com].mp4

专家呼吁加大贫困国家对抗癌症力度 Experts Urge More Efforts to Fight Cancer in Poor Countries [cn.91voa.com].mp4

世卫组织督促禁用血液检测方法诊断结核病 WHO Urges Ban on Blood Test for Tuberculosis [cn.91voa.com].mp4

世卫组织表示酒精滥用是一个全球性的问题 WHO Says Alcohol Abuse a Leading Cause of Death_ Disability [cn.91voa.com].mp4

世卫组织面临资源短缺 WHO Chief Warns of Risk to 'Winning Streak' for Public Health [cn.91voa.com].mp4

世界人口达到70亿并继续增长 The World at 7 Billion_ and Growing [cn.91voa.com].mp4

世界卫生组织称医疗账单每年使1亿人陷入贫困 WHO Says Health Debts Push 100 Million a Year Into Poverty [cn.91voa.com].mp4

世界母乳喂养周谈母乳喂养 Breastfeeding_ a Skill Mom and Baby 'Learn From Each Other' [cn.91voa.com].mp4

daft punk - castor.mp3

严寒天气保暖建议 Advice for Staying Warm and Safe in Freezing Weather [cn.91voa.com].mp4


为什么变脏让儿童健康 Why Getting Dirty Can Be Healthy for Children [cn.91voa.com].mp4

daft punk - derezzed.mp3

乌干达再次爆发埃博拉出血热 Uganda Fights Another Ebola Outbreak [cn.91voa.com].mp4

乌干达的健康和环境问题 Health and Environmental Concerns as Ugandans Start to Eat Prima [cn.91voa.com].mp4

